Before going to Vienna could Anton Janša be in Carinthia?



The opinions and arguments, claiming that Anton Janša stayed in Carinthia from 1765 until his departure for Vienna in the year 1766, that he was a member of the Carinthian agricultural society and similar, are a novelty in the knowledge of the life and work of the first c. k. beekeeping teacher in Vienna. This statement was for the first time published in the book of Ehrenfels in 1829 and for the second time in the book of Heinrich in 1832. This notice was later reproduced in other works. The message of these publications is: Anton Janša was a Carinthian, he brought the Carinthian way of beekeeping to Vienna, he originates from the Carinthian agricultural society, which also recommended him in Vienna, so he was invited by the Empress Maria Theresia to Vienna and so on. Among Slovenian authors Perc (1925a,b) and Stabej (1955) drew attention to these records. Janša describes in his books and stresses his Carniolan origin, Carniolan way of beekeeping and Carniolan wooden hive and does not refer to his life and work in Carinthia. To confirm these records and publications on Anton Janša in Carinthia, it is necessary to find archival documents in provincial archive in Klagenfurt to confirm or to reject this hypothesis.


apiculture; bees; Janša, Anton; biographies


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