Acta agriculturae Slovenica will soon update its own website. Please submit your new articles to the new website:
Acta agriculturae Slovenica is a scientific journal issued quarterly by the Department of Agronomy, and the Department of Animal Science of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and published by the University of Ljubljana Press. The journal accepts original scientific articles in the field of plant and animal production. Until 2021, the journal was published every year in two volumes, in printed form and online. Acta agriculturae Slovenica is now published only as an online journal with four issues per year in one volume.
Acta agriculturae Slovenica is included into: Scopus (SJR, SNIP), DOAJ, WOS Zoological Records, CrossRef, CAB Abstracts, FSTA, Google Scholar, dLib, COBISS.
Assistance for submitting an article
In the following link short technical instructions for authors about Submitting an Article are presented:
Assistance for reviewing an article
In the following link short technical instructions about reviewer's steps are presented: