Dimensions of the perceived value for wine from the perspective of Slovenian wine consumers



Perceived value is a subjective impression of the consumer about the value of a product or a service. There is a lack of research and understanding of Slovenian wine consumers preferences, while at the same time the importance of the Slovenian wine sector is increasing. 221 adults from the two biggest Slovenian winegrowing regions who at least occasionally consume and purchase wine were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. The Perval scale was used to measure and identify the factors (dimensions) of the perceived value for wine. Further, the relation between Slovenian winegrowing regions and the perceived value dimensions was investigated. It was shown that respondents from the two largest Slovenian winegrowing regions perceive three different dimensions of value for wine: quality-price, emotional-social, and a dimension where indicators for humane, environmental and region of origin factors highly correlated, and were therefore named terroir. We also found that respondents value Primorska winegrowing region the most, followed by Podravje and other wine regions. Both winegrowing regions correlate to terroir and quality-price value dimensions. It was also found which value dimensions are more important to different socio-demographic groups, which can give wine producers and wine-sellers some ideas on consumer segmentation and marketing strategy.


perceived value; wine; consumer; Perval scale; Slovenia; factor analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14720/aas.2020.115.1.1267


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Copyright (c) 2020 Sandra Pestar Bizjak, Hristo Hristov, Tatjana Košmerl, Aleš Kuhar

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