The comparison of organic and inorganic fertilizers influence on selected indicators of turf growth-production process

Peter Hric, Ján JANČOVIČ, Ľuboš VOZÁR


The aim of this experiment was to compare the influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on selected indicators of turf growth-production process under non–irrigated conditions. The experiment was carried out in warm and dry conditions in the area of Nitra (Slovak Republic). In the experiment were included 5 treatments: 1.Without fertilization, 2. Turf NPK fertilizer 15–3–8 (+3 MgO +0.8 Fe +18 S), 3. Slow release NPK fertilizer 14–5–14 (+4 CaO +4 MgO +7 S), 4. Organic NPK fertilizer 5-1-1 and 5. Organic NPK fertilizer 3-2-1. Determination of the average height of turf, total height of turf and the annual average daily gain of height showed that best treatment was application of slow release fertilizer. Turf fertilized by Organic NPK fertilizer 5-1-1 reached the highest values of the average height of turf, total height of turf and the annual average daily gain of height, the same as treatment without fertilization. These finding were statistically significant. Treatment without fertilization reached the lowest values in evaluated growth-production parameters.


turf, fertilizing, organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, growth-production process

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