Effects of planting dates on the growth and grain yield of two indigenous varieties of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) in a forest-savanna transition zone of Edo State, Nigeria

Sunday Ebonka NWAJEI, Anthony Uhunomwan OMOREGIE, Felix Omonkeke OGEDEGBE


Effects of planting dates on the growth and grain yield of two indigenous varieties of pearl millet was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. The experiment was a 2 × 5 factorial scheme fitted into a randomized complete block design with the two varieties of pearl millet (‘Gero Bida’ and ‘Gero Badeggi’) and five planting dates (April, May, June, July and August) replicated three times. The results obtained showed that delays in planting date significantly reduced growth in pearl millet examined. Similar pattern was observed on days to 50 % flowering and grain maturity. Improved growth with early sowing could have allowed increased availability of assimilates that later supported reproductive growth. These assimilates were remobilized under unfavourable climatic condition in the late cropping season to the reproductive structures. ‘Gero Badeggi’ sown in April, had significantly, the highest growth in the measured characters than ‘Gero Bida’ sown in August and other dates. ‘Gero Badeggi’ planted in May had the highest total grain yield (9.33 t ha-1) while ‘Gero Bida’ planted in July had the smallest (4.27 t ha-1). Therefore, ‘Gero Baddegi’ planted in May is a better variety for pearl millet grain production in Ekpoma.


pearl millet; Pennisetum glaucum; planting date; growth; yield; forest savanna; indigenous variety

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14720/aas.2019.114.2.3


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