Evaluation and comparison of drought tolerance in some wild diploid populations, tetraploid and hexaploid cultivars of wheat using stress tolerance indices



This study was carried out on grain yield in wheat genotypes with the aim of assessing genetic potential of drought tolerance. The experiment was performed as split plot in the form of randomized complete block design with three replications under normal and drought stress conditions with 32 genotypes. Based on grain yield, and under the condition of non-stress and drought stress, 5 drought tolerance indices are estimated including Tolerance Index (TOL), Stress Tolerance (STI), Mean Productivity (MP), Geometric Mean (GMP) and, Harmonic Mean (HM) for all kinds of genotypes. The analysis of yield correlation and drought tolerance indices in two environments indicated that STI, MP, GMP, HM indices were the most suitable parameters for screening wheat genotypes. Principal components analysis exhibited that the 83 % of first principal component and the 15 % of second one justified the variation of the initial data. Drawing bi-plot diagram declared that Sabalan, Shabrang, Aria, Azar, Azadi, and T2 genotypes were highly functional and resistant to drought stress.

Ključne besede

wheat; index; component analysis; cluster analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14720/aas.2020.115.1.1336

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