Phenolic contents, antioxidant activity and colour density of Slovak Pinot Noir wines



Recent studies show that wine contains more than thousand different compounds that could come from grapes, or could be formed in the process of winemaking and maturing. The most abundant compounds in wines are polyphenols, which affect sensory properties such as colour, taste and aroma, but also has antioxidant properties. The aim of this study was to determine total polyphenol and total anthocyanin contents, and to evaluate antioxidant effects and wine colour density of red wines ‘Pinot Noir’ produced in Slovakia. Thirteen analysed, bottled, quality dry ‘Pinot Noir’ wines with origin in various Slovak wine regions were purchased in retail network, to provide that analysed samples of wine would have the same properties as wines that are consumed by common consumers. The content of total polyphenols in analysed ‘Pinot Noir’ wines ranged from 1458 to 3324 mg GAE l-1, while contents of total anthocyanins ranged from 43.6 to 279.6 mg l-1. Antioxidant activities ranged from 80.2 % to 85.3 % inhibition of DPPH and wine colour density ranged from 0.679 to 1.495. The highest total polyphenol content, total anthocyanin content, and wine colour density was determined in wines from the south Slovakia winegrowing region, while the highest antioxidant activity in wines from Nitra winegrowing region. Results did not show significant differences among studied parameters in wines from different winegrowing regions. Results showed that Slovakian ‘Pinot Noir’ wines have characteristics comparable with ‘Pinot Noir’ wines from other countries.



wine; polyphenols; antioxidant activity; anthocyanins; ‘Pinot Noir’

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