Quality of cv. 'Gala Brookfield' and ‘Fuji Kiku 8' apples grown under and outside hail net

Blaž GERMŠEK, Tatjana UNUK


Anti-hail nets for the production of apples has become a normally action for a new or update an old apple orchard. In 2007 and 2008, the development of quality and maturity parameters of cv. 'Gala Brookfield' and ‘Fuji Kiku 8' apples grafted on M9 were studied in the Fruit growing centre Maribor-Gačnik as a factor of being grown under a  blackhail net. The results showed that when grown under  the black hail net fruit of both cultivars reach a higher mean mass,  lower soluble solids content (0.6 to 1 ° Brix), and lower starch index, while no effect of the black hail net was detected on fruit flesh firmness and yield.


malus pumila; apples; hail; plant protection; crop yield; weight; fruit; proximate composition; chemicophysical properties; maturity; ripening; quality


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14720/aas.2014.103.1.14


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