Extent and financial cost of cassava postharvest loss along the cassava value chain in Kwara State, Nigeria

Samuel Temitope DANILOLA, Raphael BABATUNDE, Jubril ANIMASHAUN


Cassava has been identified as Africa’s second most important staple food after maize, in terms of calories consumed, with Nigeria as the World leading producer. This study estimated postharvest loss of cassava along the cassava value chain in Kwara State. It estimated the size of postharvest loss of cassava; analysed the factors responsible and the financial implications of loss; and identified the strategies employed in the mitigation of loss in the study area. A three-stage random sampling technique was used to select 117 cassava farmers whom were administered structured questionnaire to elicit data analysed by the study. Descriptive statistics, Shannon’s diversity index and Tobit regression model were the analytical techniques utilised. The results show that 68 % of the loss occurred at the harvesting. The loss was estimated to be about 3.8 t ha-1. The financial implication was valued at $ 300 ha-1. Analysis of the factors responsible for cassava postharvest loss showed that the quantity expected at harvesting, household size and age of the farmer were significant factors affecting cassava postharvest loss. The result also revealed that farmers mitigate these losses by processing the roots and reburying unused roots into the soil. Steps needed to reduce loss have to take these factors into consideration to improve the economic status of cassava farmers-processors.


cassava; postharvest loss; financial cost; Shannon’s diversity index; Tobit regression

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14720/aas.2019.114.2.1


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