Consumers’ fear regarding food security in Slovenia during the first wave of COVID-19 crisis



The various crises are having a significant impact on the entire food sector and are changing the attitudes of Europeans as well as policies on the importance of food security and sustainably produced quality and safe food for consumer health. The paper focuses on the consumer’s fear of food security for the time of the first wave of COVID-19 and the associated concern for food security in the future and the changes in consumer behaviour. The online survey in Slovenia was conducted in June 2020 using a “snowball” method. The sample included 490 individuals. The results showed that both measured forms of fear (i) fear over food security during the first wave of COVID-19 crisis, and (ii) fear over food security in the future were statistically significant, moderately strong and positively associated with almost all forms of self-perceived behaviour change caused by the COVID-19 crisis. The respondents focused more on buying locally produced and processed food, food stockpiling and decreasing food waste. Only minor changes were expressed with regards to their food purchasing channels, with the elderly, the highly educated and those who classified themselves in a higher social class buying more often directly from farmers. In the future, the results of this research should be compared with other countries and the impact of an individual’s economic situation and the impact of promotional campaigns on agricultural products on changing consumer behaviour should also be analysed in more detail.


food self-sufficiency; food security; COVID-19; consumer; food chain; statistical analysis; consumer habits


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Copyright (c) 2023 Maja TURNŠEK, Ranka JUNGE, Vesna MILIČIĆ, Martina BAVEC


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eISSN 1854-1941